
Rousseff back on Twitter and also joins Instagram and Facebook

Criado em 27/09/13 18h11 e atualizado em 27/09/13 18h31
Por Danilo Macedo Edição:s Fonte:Agência Brasil

Brasília – After almost three years off Twitter, Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff announced on Friday (September 27) her return to the microblogging website, where she said in a tweet that she has also created a profile page on Instagram and will do the same on Facebook.

She decided to go back to Twitter while receiving at the Palácio do Planalto, seat of the Brazilian government, humorist Jeferson Monteiro, creator of the humorous Facebook page Dilma Bolada (“Angry Dilma”, in a rough translation).

Referring to the humor of the page, the president said: “I don't mind. I laugh a lot. Life without humor is too heavy.” On her return to social media, she announced: “I'm back, and I'm here to stay, because here's where I belong,” quoting from a song by Brazilian romantic singer Roberto Carlos.

The president is expected to make an appearance on Friday (September 27) at the launch of the new Portal Brasil, scheduled for 3 p.m. at the Palácio do Planalto. The portal will include information, services, reports and instruments of social participation for Brazilian nationals, and will display all the news published by the press offices of the ministries in real time. The new product is the first to be developed by the Gabinete Central, an agency created by the government to enhance the use of social media and expand the population's access to information and public services.

Editors: Talita Cavalcante / Lícia Marques
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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