
Four Brazilians were denied access to Spain

Criado em 30/07/13 18h31 e atualizado em 30/07/13 18h45
Por Agência Brasil Edição:s

Brasília – Four Brazilians, three men and one woman, were denied access to Spain after leaving the airplane on Friday (July 26) at the International Airport of Barajas, Madrid. They headed back to Brazil after embarking on Tuesday morning (July 30) and must be back in Salvador in the evening. Their names have not been disclosed by the Ministry of External Relations (“Itamaraty”), in order to protect their privacy.

According to the Ministry’s press office, Spanish authorities contacted Brazil’s consulate in Madrid to warn them that the Brazilian citizens did not comply with the requirements for entering the country. The ministry further declared that the employees from the consulate talked to the Brazilians in order to know if they were properly treated in accordance with the law, and to check whether they really did not fulfill the requirements for being admitted into Spanish territory.

The Ministry of External Relations also stated that over a thousand Brazilians were denied access to Spain in 2011. The number reduced to 510 in 2012, and, up to June this year, 150 Brazilians were not allowed to enter Spain for not fulfilling requirements.

Spain’s Embassy in Brazil reported that the four Brazilians were chosen randomly by the control system of the airport, and the only reason why they were not allowed in the country was their not having the appropriate documents.

Editors: Beto Coura / Olga Bardawil
Translators: Fabrício Ferreira / Olga Bardawil

Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0

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