
Adult Brazilians still prefer living with parents

29/11/13 17h46
Flávia Villela

Rio de Janeiro – In spite of their career and studies, many Brazilians aging 25 to 35 still live with their parents, and their number is rising. This section of the population, known as Kangaroo Generation, has grown 4 percentage points from 2002 to 2012, according to a study called “Analysis of Social Indicators – An Analysis of the Living Conditions of Brazilians,” published on Friday (Nov. 29) by the Brazilians Statistics Institute (“IBGE”). Around 60% of them are men.

“People are leaving their homes increasingly late, and this phenomenon takes place all across the world,” remarked Ana Lúcia Saboia, the coordinator-general of the study. “In the case of Brazil, we must conduct further studies to ascertain the reasons behind it,” she added.

Saboia further stated that, among those with higher education levels who still live with their parents, the fact that it becomes possible for them to study harder contributes significantly to their decision. Another factor is the high living costs in big cities, which encourage adults to keep living in their parents’ house in an attempt to save money and maintain their living standards. This is the case with Fernanda Nunes, 27, photographer. She lives with her parents in the district of Barra da Tijuca, a medium/upper-class area in western Rio de Janeiro.

“Living costs in Rio are prohibitive. Rents are too expensive; hiring someone to work in your house is too expensive, access to the internet isn’t cheap either. So I’d rather keep up higher living standards and live with my parents as an only child,” said Fernanda Nunes, who makes regular financial contributions to the family. “It’s quite comfortable for me; I have a boyfriend and he has his own house; my relationship with my parents is really good,” she added.

The survey also shows that 15% of the people with larger income live with their parents. In families earning up to half the minimum wage, 6.6% had children aging 25-34 living with them.

Edited by Beto Coura / Olga Bardawil
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
