
Five million students took Secondary Education Examination in Brazil at the weekend

28/10/13 14h54
Mariana Tokarnia

Brasília – Over 7 million students enrolled for the National Secondary Education Examination (“ENEM”), a test designed to assess students completing secondary school in Brazil, which is also widely used for university admission purposes. According to Education Minister Aloizio Mercadante, 5.05 million applicants have sat for the two-day examination this past weekend, with a no-show rate of 29%.

In a prior review of the examination, Mercadante was particularly satisfied that there were no exam paper leaks this year, unlike in past years. “Our security scheme proved fully effective and there was not a single information leak, which was critical to ensure fair testing conditions.”

The minister briefly mentioned a few remarkable incidents, which would have been predictable under such circumstances. In the state of Minas Gerais, a student was killed in a motorcycle accident on his way to the test administration center on Sunday. In Teresina, capital city of Piauí, one student gave birth on Saturday (26). In total, there were 712 pregnant applicants who could have gone into labor during test time. On Sunday, a pregnant applicant in Rio de Janeiro started having contractions during the test, but persevered through completion under the assistance of a doctor.

Heavy rains in Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul, as well as power outages in some areas, created some disturbances, but according to Mercadante, were not enough to disrupt the exam altogether.

The Ministry of Education also reported that 12 candidates were disqualified outright on Sunday (October 27). In the two exam days, a total 36 candidates were disqualified because they had used mobile phones during the test. They had posted pictures of the test papers and answer sheet to social networks.

Edited by Nádia Franco / Olga Bardawil
Translated by Mayra Borges
