
China to import genetically modified soybeans from Brazil

11/06/13 09h39
Luciene Cruz

Brasília – The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture ("Mapa") has announced China will import three varieties of genetically modified (GM) soybeans grown in Brazil. The announcement was made on Monday (June 10) after an official visit by Minister of Agriculture, Antônio Andrade, to Beijing for the Chinese-Latin American and Caribbean Forum of Ministers of Agriculture.

A statement issued by Mapa reports: “The decision complies with a request from the Minister and is aligned with Brazil's interests.”  Eligible GM soy varieties that China will import are: Intacta RR2 PRO, CV127, and Liberty Link (produced by Bayer and Monsanto), which all provide “protection against the worms that attack soy crops in Brazil”.

The minister said that soybean farmers in Brazil were waiting for the decision before they could start growing the new crop because China is the largest buyer of Brazil's soybeans.

According to ministry reports, Brazil exported 7.154 million tons of soy grain in April, worth $3.797 billion. Out of that, 5.604 million tons ($2.966 billion) - slightly over 75% -  went to China.

Edition: Denise Griesinger / Nira Foster
Translation: Mayra Borges / Allen Bennett
