Ministries begin study of management of chemical substances

23/10/2003 - 19h35

Brasília, October 24, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Brazil is one of the world's chief producers of chemical substances. In 2000, the chemical industry was responsible for approximately 2.9% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and, in 2001, the sector earned US$ 38.3 billion. These data appear in the publication, National Profile of Chemical Substance Management, launched on Thursday (23) by the Ministries of Environment and Health.

The document presents a panorama of Brazilian management in this area and will be used in the formulation of public policies. According to the president of the National Chemical Security Council (CONASQ), Marijane Lisboa, Brazil will work on policies that help avoid risks to the population, always considering the principle of precaution. She explained that the current situation in Brazil demands measures based on the correct handling of these substances and on production with security.

For the Minister of Environment, Marina Silva, the document is important for the formulation of public policies leading to the reduction of risks to human health and the environment. The same argument was adopted by the Minister of Health, Humberto Costa. He affirmed that the use of chemical substances in productive activities brings unwanted results, mainly related to inadequate handling and the lack of information and rules. (DAS)