Thomaz Bastos says Brazil dreams of an effectual democracy

02/10/2003 - 21h53

Brasília, October 3, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - On Thursday (2), at the conclusion of the IX Conference of Ministers of Justice from Portuguese-Speaking Countries, at the Rio Branco Institute, the Minister of Justice, Márcio Thomaz Bastos, said that Brazil "dreams of a consolidated democracy and the renewal of economic growth."

For two days, seven Ministers from Portuguese-speaking countries (Brazil, Portugal, East Timor, Angola, San Tomé and Principe, Mozambique, and Cape Verde) met in Brasília. No agreement was signed, but progress was made in discussions of the approximately 30 articles of mutual interest, which will serve as the basis of agreements to be signed at another meeting, scheduled for 2005 in Cape Verde (Africa). (DAS)