Petrobras: Six groups present proposals for construction of P-51 and P-52 platforms

12/05/2003 - 21h22

Rio, May 13, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Petrobras issued a note yesterday (12) informing that six groups presented proposals to participate in the process of constructing platforms P-51 and P-52, the first to be built under the government's new model, in which bids must include a higher percentage of national components.

Petrobras began today to receive the technical and commercial proposals for the construction of the hull/topsides/integration of the 2 platforms.

The proposals referring to the modules for electricity production and gas compression for the two units were received between April 7 and 24, and they are currently under technical analysis.

The opening of the commercial proposals for the three bidding processes that are now underway is foreseen for June. (DAS)