NEWS IN ENGLISH – Rio state deputy to flee Brazil after death threats from milícias that control city slums

04/11/2011 09:39

Douglas Corrêa, Vitor Abdala and Vladimir Platonow        Reporters Agência Brasil

Rio de Janeiro – Rio state deputy, Marcelo Freixo (PSOL-RJ), who has long combated crime groups known as milícias, says he will leave Brazil and spend some time in Europe at the invitation of Amnesty International following a series of death threats.

Freixo presided over a parliamentary investigation (“CPI”) of milicias in 2008 and has been a vocal opponent of the groups that consist of local vigilante groups and thugs in the city’s hillside slums. They are especially dangerous because they have joined forces with former policemen and firemen who have links to active duty police forces and corrupt politicians.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Deputado que luta contra milícias no Rio recebe cinco ameaças de morte em dez dias

Link - Ex-vereador e sargento bombeiro é condenado a 14 anos de prisão por chefiar milícia no Rio

Link - Deputado que luta contra milícias no Rio recebe cinco ameaças de morte em dez dias