Amazon expedition discovers new fauna and flora

01/07/2006 - 15h32

Roberta Lopes
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – The Juruena-Apuí Expedition, organized by WWF, reports that it has discovered at least two new fish and two frogs (perereca) and one tree which are all believed to be previously unknown. The discoveries were made in the Juruena National Park (Parque Nacional do Juruena) which is located in the Amazon region. The expedition has also cataloged over 200 species of birds.

The Juruena park was established in May of this year. It is the fourth largest park area in Brazil, covering 1.9 million hectares, extending from the southeastern part of the state of Amazonas to the northern part of the state of Mato Grosso.

The expedition began on June 13 in the city of Alta Floresta in Mato Grosso and ended yesterday, Sunday, July 2, in Apui, state of Amazonas. Along the way they also found human inhabitants, around 100 families, in the park, which is forbidden.

Translation: Allen Bennett