Brazil increases its share of international agricultural market

26/06/2006 - 13h37

Irene Lôbo
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - Brazil's share of the international agricultural market rose from 2.8% to 3.9% in the last four years. This information is contained in the publication, Agribusiness Trade Exchange - The Thirty Major Trade Partners, released today (26) by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The publication presents 2000-2004 data referring to Brazil's 30 major trade partners, which, jointly, were the destination of over 82% of the country's foreign sales. During this period the Brazilian agricultural export sector, which grew from US$ 15.4 billion to US$ 30.8 billion, expanded at a rate that was double that of international agricultural trade in general. Agribusiness accounts for 40% of the country's exports.

The United States continues to be Brazil's most important trade partner in agricultural goods, but the US share dropped from around 18% to 14% during the period in question. The share of the European Union as a market for Brazilian agricultural exports also declined, from around 40% to 32%.

On the other hand, there was an increase in Brazilian sales to countries such as Chine, Russia, and India. Between 2000 and 2004 the Russian share of Brazilian agricultural exports rose from 2% to 6%, while the Chinese share rose from 3% to 7%, and India's participation rose from 0.5% to 1.3%. China and Russia are currently Brazil's third and fourth largest agribusiness trade partners, respectively.

Translation: David Silberstein