Survey continues to project inflation below the official target

29/05/2006 - 9h31

Stênio Ribeiro
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The weekly Central Bank survey of trends in the chief economic indicators continues to predict that the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA) will end the year at 4.32%, below the 4.50% target set by the government.

The results of the survey were announced today (29) and indicate a lowering of expectations compared with last week's forecasts for inflation in May and June. The latest predictions are for a 0.20% increase in the IPCA in May, as against 0.23% in last week's survey, and a 0.24% increase in June, as against 0.25%. The rate of inflation projected for the next 12 months remained unchanged at 4.20%.

Translation: David Silberstein