Lula defends ''triangular commitment'' to resolve agricultural trade issue

29/05/2006 - 6h27

Érica Santana
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - "A "triangular commitment" must be forged between the European Union, the G-20 (the group of 21 developing countries), and the United States to resolve the agricultural trade issues pending in the World Trade Organization (WTO), president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said today (29) during his weekly radio broadcast, "Breakfast with the President."

"If an agreement is not reached, I believe it will be a huge reverse," Lula remarked. "The poor countries will continue to grow poorer. What do we want? We want an agreement in which each party yields a little."

According to president Lula, both the rich countries and the developing countries need to lower barriers and subsidies. "The European Union has to be more flexible in permitting the developing countries and the poorest countries to have access to its market for agricultural goods. The United States has to do its part by diminishing the amount of subsidies, which are very powerful in American agriculture," Lula commented. He also underscored the need for the G-20 to "be more flexible about industrial goods and services."

The president pointed out that July is the deadline for reaching an agreement.

Translation: David Silberstein