Group on Earth Observations discusses projects in Brazil

29/05/2006 - 7h37

Agência Brasil

Brasília - Starting today (29), representatives of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), an intergovernmental organization comprising various countries, are meeting in São José dos Campos (SP) to discuss earth observation projects. The event, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Relations in conjunction with the National Space Research Institute (INPE), an agency linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology, will proceed through Wednesday (31).

Participants in the debates include the Brazilian representative to the GEO, Maria Teresa Mesquita Pessoa; experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the principal meteorological agency of the United States; and the representative of the European Community, Pierre Valette.

The GEO's goal is to establish a global system using various instruments and techniques to provide detailed observations of the earth and to convert these data into information essential to society.

Translation: David Silberstein