Trade balance falls

17/04/2006 - 11h50

Stênio Ribeiro
Reporter - Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – Brazilian exports reached US$2.031 billion last week, down 28.31% when compared to the previous week. Meanwhile, imports increased 6.25%, reaching US$1.633 billion.

As a result, trade balance (exports minus imports) totaled only US$398 million, which is 69.3% less then the previous week balance of US$1.296 billion. Important: last week had only four business days.

Trade balance numbers, released this Monday (17) by the Ministry of Development, Industry and External Trade, show that the year’s accumulated balance reached US$11.040 billion, which is an increase of 13.83% over the US$9.699 billion registered the same period of last year.

So far this year, total exports add up to US$34.252 billion against imports of US$23.212 billion.

Translation: Andréa Alves