Cecília Jorge
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - Accompanied by a business mission, the prime minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Fradkov, arrived in Brazil today (4) for a three-day visit.
Fradkov will participate in the 4th Meeting of the Brazil-Russia High Level Cooperation Commission (CAN), the highest echelon of political coordination between the two countries. The Brazilian vice-president, José Alencar, will also participate in this encounter, which occurs later today in the Itamaraty Palace.
Prior to the meeting, Fradkov meets with President Lula da Silva in the Planalto Palace. He will also pay courtesy calls to the presidents of the Senate, Renan Calheiros, and the Chamber of Deputies, Aldo Rebelo.
Fradkov will proceed tomorrow (5) to Rio de Janeiro, where he will be welcomed by governor, Rosinha Matheus. He also plans to meet with representatives of companies in the energy sector (Petrobras, Transpetro, Gaspetro, Electrobrás, Furnas, and Eletronuclear). At the end of the day, he will embark for São Paulo, where he will be received by governor Cláudio Lembo.
On Thursday (6) the prime minister will have breakfast with members of the Brazil-Russia Entrepreneurial Council. Trade between the two countries has more than doubled in the last three years, hitting a record volume of US$ 3.63 billion in 2005. Brazil is currently Russia's biggest trade partner in Latin America.
Fradkov will also travel on Thursday to São José dos Campós (SP) to visit the Aerospace Technical Center (CTA), the National Space Research Institute (INPE), and the Brazilian Aviation Company (EMBRAER).
Translation: David Silberstein