Codex Committee on Pesticides Residuals begins

03/04/2006 - 6h28

Brasília - Representatives of 158 countries are meeting in Fortaleza this week at the 38th Codex Committee of Pesticide Residuals (38ª reunião do Comitê Codex de Resíduos de Pesticidas) (CCPR). The Codex Alimentarius, a permanent forum of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), seeks to protect people's health through food standards and guidelines, along with equitable practices in the commerce of food regionally and worldwide. This is the first time a Latin American nation hosts the meeting which will focus on limiting pesticide residuals in food.

The Brazilian delegation will seek to establish norms for pesticide residuals on some 420 Brazilian products that are on the Codex.

Translation: Allen Bennett