An end to the secret vote in Congess?

13/03/2006 - 20h31

Iolando Lourenço
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP), will meet with party leaders today to discuss a constitutional amendment (PEC 349/01) that puts an end to the secret vote during floor votes in the lower house. According to the Brazilian Constitution, the voting is secret in the Chamber of Deputies in dealing with the expulsion of members (cassação de deputados), presidential vetos and the election of chamber officials (membros da Mesa Diretora).

This discussion is taking place following a public uproar after the absolution (by secret vote) of two deputies (Professor Luizinho (PT-SP) and Roberto Brandt (PFL-MG)) in a recent expulsion case.

Rebelo has said publicly that he believes the secret vote in Congress does serve a purpose, such as shielding members from pressure, sometimes from the government itself in the case of presidential vetoes. He said he intends to listen to the opinions of other leaders on the issue.

The proposed constitutional amendment eliminating the secret vote has been in Congress since May 9, 2001, and was authored by deputy Luiz Antonio Fleury (PTB-SP). It was approved by the Constitution and Justice Commission in December 2004, which means that it could go to an immediate vote on the floor at any time.

Translation: Allen Bennett