Tunisian and Brazilian entrepreneurs discuss business opportunities

18/01/2006 - 12h22

Marli Moreira
Reporter - Agência Brasil

São Paulo - Representatives of 10 Tunisian companies discussed possibilities of forming partnerships with Brazilian firms at a meeting today (18) at the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo. They are participating in the seminar, Business and Investment Opportunities in Tunisia, aimed at the Brazilian entrepreneurial class. The Arabs have been on an official visit to Brazil since Monday (16) as part of a delegation led by the Tunisian minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdelwaheb Abdallah.

The areas of interest to the Tunisians include the automobile, construction, and agribusiness sectors. The country wants to expand its purchases of sugar, pepper, beef, fish, and coffee and sell such food items as dates and spices, as well as closing deals involving Tunisian olive oil, which could be packaged in Brazil. In the fertilizer segment, Tunisia intends to meet Brazil's need for phosphate imports and suggests that the product be processed in Brazil.

Translation: David Silberstein