OAS expresses support for Brazilian and date for Haitian elections

11/01/2006 - 18h02

Alessandra Bastos
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - In a note released yesterday (11), the Organization of American States (OAS) expressed its support of the Brazilian government and its solidarity with Brazil over the death last Saturday (7) of general Urano Bacellar, military commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH).

"We regret the recent passing of general Urano Bacellar and continue to back Brazil's military command of the Mission. We are pleased with the news of Brazil's nomination of candidates for the position of MINUSTAH Military Commander," says the declaration, which was signed by the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, and France.

In the document the OAS says that it is "totally" supportive of the decision by the transitional government of Haiti and the provisional electoral council (CEP) to hold the first round of presidential and legislative election on February 7 and the second round on March 19. "We are confident that these dates are realistic and technically feasible, and we believe they should be maintained," the text reads.

The regional body insists that everything be done to ensure that "the enormous operational difficulties be overcome immediately." "The international community is committed to guaranteeing the Haitian people the right to choose a new government," the communication goes on to say.

The document also urges that international assistance not be suspended after the elections are held. "In this sense, we call on the politicians, entrepreneurs, and leaders of civil society to remain united to establish conditions for stability after the elections, thus permitting the elected government to assume its responsibilities and the democratic politican opposition to fulfill its role."

Translation: David Silberstein