Members of international trafficking ring are arrested

03/11/2005 - 19h20

Alessandra Bastos
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - Around 120 Brazilians were sent to the United States each month by a gang specialized in international trafficking. The Federal Police's (PF) Operation Exodus has been investigating the ring since the beginning of last year.

Six people were arrested yesterday (3) in the states of Rondônia, Mato Grosso, and São Paulo. The police also seized checks, promissory notes, weapons, equipment for cloning cell phones, receipts for foreign deposits, passports, and agendas.

The investigations were undertaken in light of the "significant number of passports issued," a note from the PF informs. The ring had been operating throughout the country for over two years.

The gang used Mexico as a point of entry. Each Brazilian paid between US$ 11.6 thousand and US$ 13.4 thousand, adding up to a total of around US$ 33.5 million over the course of two years, according to the police.

Translation: David Silberstein