Entrepreneurs maintain confidence in industrial performance

26/10/2005 - 8h36

Daisy Nascimento
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - The results of October's 157th Manufacturing Industry Survey, conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Economics (IBRE) of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), indicate stability in the sector's index of entrepreneurial confidence in comparison with the results of the previous survey, released in July. The data, which were released yesterday (26), were gathered between September 29 and October 24.

The number of firms that regarded the current business situation as good rose from 17% in July to 23% in October, while the index of those that considered the situation weak declined from 29% to 18%.

The study also shows that 44% of the firms that were surveyed believe that the situation will improve, the same percentage as in July. The percentage of firms that expect the situation to worsen increased from 17% to 18%.

The Manufacturing Industry Conjunctural Survey is issued every three months to provide general information on the economy and its tendencies.

Translation: David Silberstein