Rapporteur awaits adhesions and international guidelines on right to adequate diet

09/10/2005 - 10h06

Érica Santana
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The rapporteur for the Brazilian Platform of Human Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (Dhesco Brasil), Flávio Valente, hopes that World Nutrition Week (October 16-22) will encourage citizens, governments, and representatives of civil society to endorse the Terms of Adhesion to the Voluntary International Guidelines for the Human Right to an Adequate Diet, proposed by the National Food and Nutritional Security Council (Consea).

The guidelines were approved last year by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and signed by 151 countries. The terms, which can also be endorsed by citizens, governments, public administrators, and representatives of civil society, propose that the guidelines be incorporated into government policies, programs, and activities.

According to Valente, Brazil played a decisive role in the approval of the guidelines, which are important for orienting governments and civil society on how to enforce the human right to an adequate diet in the different countries.

From Valente's perspective, the nutritional situation in Brazil has improved in recent years, due in part to income transfer programs like the Family Grant.

Translation: David Silberstein