Carolina Pimentel
Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília - The head of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, minister Jaques Wagner, had a meeting yesterday with the chairman (presidente) of the Parliamentary Investigative Commission (CPI) that is investigating corruption in the Post Office, senator Delcidio Amaral (PT-MS). Following the meeting Wagner declared, "I do not see any risk [of political instability] because this is being dealt with in a mature manner."
Wagner added that president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has stated publicly that he wants the CPIs to investigate charges of corruption and punish the guilty, without bringing other congressional work to a standstill. Amaral said he had the same opinion and did not expect the Congress to come to a halt because of the investigations.
"The Congress is mature and democracy is strong in Brazil. People can separate the investigation from the normal operation of the legislative branch," he declared.
Translator: Allen Bennett