Chinese mission examines exchange of agricultural technology

20/07/2005 - 17h34

Alana Gandra
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - A Chinese mission began to learn about the fruits and evolution of Brazilian agriculture today in the National Agricultural Society (SNA), in Rio de Janeiro. The executive director of the Brazil-China Chamber, Richard Liu, who is accompanying the mission, said that the Chinese are also interested "in examinating the possibilities of exchanges with Brazil, mainly in the areas of agricultural technology and trade, to expand bilateral trade links."

In Liu's opinion, the potential for exchanges, especially in the technological sphere, is "great," because "China possesses considerable knowledge, for example, in irrigation techniques for crops such as rice." In return, Brazil can offer technology developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (Embrapa) to combat pests in crops such as cotton and sugar cane. In these crops, he added, Brazil has many advantages and competitive prices.

Liu emphasized that Brazilian imports of Chinese agricultural products are practically nonexistent and what there is is limited to a very few items, garlic being the most prominent among them. "But from Brazil to China, the situation is the reverse, because of soybeans and some sugar cane derivatives, such as alcohol," he explained.

The visit to the SNA may also lead to agreements in the organic farming sector. The executive director recalled that "there is a large demand for green products in China, and the government has been stimulating this type of agriculture, in view of the improved living standards of the population."

The Chinese mission will remain in Brazil for seven days and will travel to São Paulo, where they are scheduled to visit a meat-packing plant.

Translation: David Silberstein