Irene Lôbo
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - The level of formal employment in Brazil rose for the sixth straight month, as 195,536 formal jobs were created in June. This is revealed in the General Register of Employment and Unemployment (Caged), released today in Brasília by the Ministry of Labor. The increase was smaller than in June, 2004, when 207,895 new posts were created.
Job expansion was boosted by the performance of the agricultural sector, responsible for the creation of 80,350 posts in June, surpassing the figure for June, 2004, when 78,458 new jobs were created. The increase in agricultural jobs reflected sugar cane cultivation, especially in the Southeast region of the country.
After agriculture, the sectors that generated the largest number of formal jobs were services and commerce. 46,669 new jobs were created in the service sector, and 32,123 new jobs, in the commercial sector. New job openings also appeared in the manufacturing sector, with 16,993 new posts, and in the food and beverage sector, where 13,319 new jobs were created.
Job losses occurred chiefly in industrial export sectors, such as lumber and furniture (-2,597 jobs), rubber, tobacco, skins and hides (-2,545), footwear (-1,797), and transportation materials (-425).
Translation: David Silberstein