Irene Lôbo
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - Most Brazilians associate the recent charges and investigations of federal government corruption with the image of the members of Congress and the Labor Party (PT), according to a poll conducted by the National Transportation Confederation (CNT), in partnership with the Sensus Institute. The results, announced today, show that 35.4% of the people surveyed link the alleged corruption to the Chamber of Deputies and 31.2%, to the PT. Only 12% see an association between the charges and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
The 77th round of the CNT/Sensus poll included two thousand people in 195 municipalities between July 5 and 7. The margin of error is plus or minus 3%.
Among those who were interviewed, 76% affirmed that they had heard about or were aware of the accusations involving alleged payments of monthly allowances, the so-called "big monthlies," to members of the Congress. 20.7% said they were unfamiliar with the matter. Among those who have accompanied the accusations, 67.1% consider the charges made by Federal Deputy Roberto Jefferson to be true, while 18.1% say they are a fabrication.
45.7% of those who were polled believe that Lula was unaware of the purported monthly payments, while 33.6% think he knew about them. Regarding the President's reaction after the charges became public, 47.8% think that Lula's reaction has been adequate, while 31.9% do not. For 64.7% of the interviewees, payment of the alleged "big monthlies" represents a well-established practice, while 18.3% consider it a new twist.
Translation: David Silberstein