Depreciated dollar can be offset by cheaper inputs, says secretary

02/07/2005 - 12h05

Alana Gandra
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - The executive secretary of the Ministry of Development, Industry, and Foreign Trade, Márcio Fortes de Almeida, told a gathering of the American Chamber of Commerce of Rio de Janeiro that the exchange rate of R$ 2.35 for the dollar does not represent "something as bad" as some exporters claim.

He explained that exporters can offset their losses by purchasing cheaper inputs, which will add value to their products. This is known as the "drawback" system, a fiscal benefit for imports when they are intended for future exportation.

"Around US$ 30 billion of Brazil's total imports nowadays are for 'drawback.' They are inputs you acquire, add value, and direct abroad in the final product." According to Fortes, this provides exporters with market gains. "They end up exporting more, indirectly. It's a type of export 'hedge,' (protection)," he explained.

Translation: David Silberstein