Accidents in healthcare sector have become a problem

29/06/2005 - 16h25

Daisy Nascimento
Reporter Agência Brasil

Rio – Out of a total of 390,000 workplace accidents registered in 2003, the sector where the highest number of accidents occurred was in healthcare with 23,000. Various types of accidents can take place in healthcare. For example, between 1997 and 2004, there were over 15,000 accidents only in Rio de Janeiro involving biological material. Another serious problem is hospital infection.

The government is presently drawing up norms to reduce these accidents. The norms are scheduled to become law in August. Public hearings on the issue began in June and are still ongoing. According to the president of the Brazilian Association for Accident Prevention (ABPA), Mauro Daffre, the norms will improve the quality of work which will translate into greater economy for hospitals and other healthcare institutions.

Translator: Allen Bennett