Alana Gandra
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Rio - The negotiations between Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina over the commercialization of petroleum and natural gas represent an alternative to an eventual interruption of imported gas supplies from Bolivia, in the view of the president of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), Eduardo Eugenio Gouvêa Vieira. "Bolivia is obviously an important partner, but we have to discover alternatives, and they are being sought, through research on our own coast as well."
He says that when the Bolivia-Brazil gas duct was built, Brazil had no alternative. "The gas was there. The government did well to build this gas duct. Now, however, we must look for alternatives in Argentina and Venezuela to reduce the specific weight of Bolivia."
In Rio de Janeiro, this week, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay are discussing a gas duct interconnection project involving these countries. The studies will be presented and evaluated at the Mercosur Summit, in Assunción, on June 20. According to a joint communiqué released by these countries, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) is willing to provide technical and financial assistance to the project.
Translation: David Silberstein