Juliana Andrade
Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasília - According to an appellate court judge, in Brazil corruption is a bigger business than drug traffic and arms contraband. Judge Gilson Dipp, of the Superior Court of Justice (Superior Tribunal de Justiça), speaking at the IV Global Forum on Corruption Combat, declared that most of the money laundered in Brazil comes from some form of corruption. "The main influx of money in the money laundering business in Brazil is illegally obtained from the government," declared Dipp.
The judge pointed out that although corruption occurs everywhere, even in developed countries, in Brazil the difference is that impunity has long reigned. But that is beginning to change, said Dipp. He praised integrated governmental action against corruption saying it was more efficient and has even been able to recover some stolen funds.
The IV Global Forum on Corruption Combat is being held in Brasilia this week. It has brought together specialists from one hundred countries. The event is sponsored by the Brazilian Controller General office (Controladoria Geral da União) and the UN Office Against Drugs and Crime. The forum will end on Friday.
Translator: Allen Bennett