Brazilian chicken exports have risen 41%

08/06/2005 - 19h54

Melina Fernandes
Reporter Agência Brasil

São Paulo - According to the Chicken Producer and Exporter Association (Abef), Brazilian chicken exports in May totalled 239,143 tons, worth US$279.97 million, an increase of 41% over January exports.

Cumulative total chicken exports from January to May of this year totalled over 1,100,000 tons, worth US$1.225 billion. The Abef reports that between January and May the price on international markets for a ton of chicken meat rose almost 11% to US$1,171.

The main importers of Brazilian chicken are Mideastern, African and Asian countries, along with the European Union and Russia. While Brazil has exported almost 334,000 tons of chicken to the Mideast this year, it only sold 656 tons to its neighbors in Mercosur. During the same period Russia imported 105,000 tons, and the European Union imported 118,000 tons.

Cumulative chicken exports for the last twelve months (up to the beginning of June) have reached 2,688,000 tons, worth US$2.85 billion.

Translator: Allen Bennett