Lula will attend four bilateral meetings in Davos

27/01/2005 - 10h07

Ana Paula Marra
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Davos (Switzerland) - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will participate in four bilateral meetings while he is in Davos for the World Economic Forum. Tomorrow (28) he will have lunch with the president of the European Commission, José Manoel Durão Barroso, after which he will meet with the German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder. At night he will get together with the president of the Helvetian Confederation, Samuel Schmid.

On Saturday (29) he will receive the founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, in his presidential guest suite.

Following the meeting tomorrow with Schroeder, Lula will take part in a special session, Funding the War on Poverty, which will be held in the Forum's convention center. This will be Lula's first contact within the ambit of the Forum. At 6 P.M., in the same convention center, he will transmit his message to the other participants in the event.

On Saturday, Lula will also take part in a meeting sponsored by the Brazilian government with European, Asian, and American investors. There he and his Ministers will try to persuade their interlocutors that it is worthwhile investing in Brazil. The Ministers who will attend this meeting are: Celso Amorim (Foreign Relations), Antônio Palocci (Finance), José Dirceu (Presidential Civilian Advisory Staff), and Luiz Fernando Furlan (Development, Industry, and Foreign Trade). Henrique Meirelles, president of the Central Bank, will also be present.

Translation: David Silberstein