Brazil sends 16 tons of food for flood victims in Guyana

20/01/2005 - 18h16

Juliana Cézar Nunes
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The population of Guyana has been afflicted by heavy rains and floods for nearly a week. It is estimated that half of the country's 800 thousand inhabitants have been affected in some way by the force of the waters. Yesterday (20), a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) plane delivered 16 tons of food to the flood victims in the neighboring country.

The executive subchief of the Presidential Cabinet of Institutional Security, General Wellington Fonseca, says that the Guyanese government's request for help was responded to in only 24 hours. Rice, sugar, soy oil, flour, and salt were among the items that were sent.

On Wednesday (19), another FAB aircraft transported 10 tons of plastic material and 1.2 tons of tools to Haiti. The plane left from the Rio de Janeiro Air Base. Brazil has been coordinating a peace mission in Haiti for seven months. Around 1.2 thousand soldiers are there helping in the country's political and economic stabilization.

Translation: David Silberstein