Chinese mission discusses partnership with IRB-Brazil Reinsurance

19/01/2005 - 18h44

Alana Gandra
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - IRB-Brazil Reinsurance, linked to the Ministry of Finance, is studying the possibility of establishing a partnership with China in the health insurance market. Today the IRB will receive a delegation from the China Life Insurance company, comprising representatives of private and governmental sectors, to discuss the health market in Brazil. Officials from Brazil's National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) will also participate in the encounter.

The objective, according to the head of IRB's Communications and Marketing advisory department, Odilon de Barros, "is to bring together people from the government and insurance market companies to investigate the chances of doing business." Barros added that the formation of a partnership with the Chinese in the reinsurance area is not out of the question, nor are associations with national health insurance companies.

Translation: David Silberstein