Brazilian petroleum production will receive reinforcement of 80 thousand barrels per day

28/12/2004 - 12h26

Daisy Nascimento
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - Within three years, Brazil's petroleum production should gain a reinforcement of 80 thousand barrels per day, according to information provided yesterday (28) by the president of the Maritime Petroleum and Engineering Company, Gerson Efromovich.

Efromovich said that the increase in petroleum production will correspond to the results of the construction of a gas pipeline in Colombia to transfer the production of new wells in Alagoas, Bahia, and Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to an oil field in Colombia.

The new gas pipeline will be 2,500 kilometers long and will require investments of US$ 700 million, in a partnership between the Brazilian company and a group from the United States.

Translation: David Silberstein