Brasílía - The positive evalution of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's Administration rose 3.2% in the last three months, from 41.3% in September to 44.5% in December. These figures are part of the 73rd CNT/Sensus survey, released yesterday (14) by the National Confederation of Transport (CNT), in Brasília. The negative evaluations of the government fell from 16.4% in September to 14.4%.
The survey also revealed growth in the evaluation of President Lula's personal performance, showing that 65.4% of the respondents approved the president's performance, as against 58.8% in the previous survey. The index of disapproval of the government fell from 30.7% to 26.7%.
According to the survey, the satisfaction index of Brazilian citizens (ISC) remained stable. The change was minimal, from 51.4% in September to 51.8% in December. The ISC is based on the weights of various political, economic, and social variables. Those used in the survey are satisfaction with the country, the state, the municipality, and economic and social policies.
The survey indicates that the Brazilian population's evaluation of the activities of the federal government also continues to be stable. Regarding the way economic policy is carried out, 41% consider it adequate, compared with 41.7% in September. The negative evaluation of economic policy dropped from 37.6% to 34.3%.
In the social area, 42.5% think that the Administration is doing the right thing, a small improvement (1%) over the last CNT/Sensus study in September, while 33.5% classify the government's measures as incorrect. In the political area, the percentage of the population that considered the measures to be adequate fell, from 38.2% to 35.7%. In general, the survey indicates that 40.2% of the respondents think that the government's policies are being adequately implemented.
The CNT/Sensus poll covered 2 thousand people between December 7-9, in 24 states in five regions of Brazil.
Agência Brasil
Reporter: Irene Lôbo
Translator: David Silberstein