Presidential advisor rebuts criticism of Mercosur

29/11/2004 - 16h37

Rio de Janeiro - Special Presidential Advisor for Foreign Relations, Marco Aurélio Garcia, rebutted criticism by business leaders regarding the slow pace of the revamping of Mercosur. Garcia declared: "Things just never work out exactly like we want them to."

According to Garcia, if things depended on what the government wants Mercosur member countries would be integrated, their productive chains would be linked and the process of social corporation, including a common currency, would be at an advanced stage. "However, things move slowly. We cannot force things to happen. Above all, we have to take special care of our relationship with Argentina - our strategic partner," explained Garcia.

As for the slow pace, Garcia said it was really not all that slow. He pointed out that in just a few days, on December 8 and 9, a summit would take place in Cuzco, Peru, where South American presidents will launch the South American Community of Nations.

Garcia denied the existence of a crisis in Mercosur. "Member countries are recovering from some hard times. It is not just by chance that all four Mercosur countries are now undergoing strong growth and economic activity," he declared. In Garcia's opinion, the tenth anniversary celebrations of the existence of Mercosur, also scheduled for next month, will be an excellent opportunity to undertake a rediscussion of the economic block. "I agree with Foreign Minister, Celso Amorim, who says that "The Mercosur solution is more Mercosur,'" concluded Garcia.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Alana Gandra
Tanslator: Allen Bennett