Brasília - Between January and September, 2004, beef exports earned Brazil US$ 1.798 billion - 77% more than the US$ 1.017 billion registered over the same period last year.
This announcement was made, Friday (29), at the National Confederation of Agriculture (CNA) by the president of the Permanent National Forum on Beef Cattle, Antenor Nogueira, who added that Brazil expects to export a total of 1.7 million tons of beef this year, representing US$ 2.3 billion in revenues.
The cumulative result of meat exports through September indicates that the country will occupy the position of the world's number one meat exporter for the second consecutive year. Exports last year amounted to 1.3 tons, corresponding to US$ 1.5 billion in receipts.
Agência Brasil
Reporter: Benedito Mendonça
Translator: David Silberstein