Consea will accompany other countries' anti-hunger campaigns

27/10/2004 - 16h05

Brasília - The National Food and Nutritional Security Council (Consea) will accompany the Brazilian government's initiatives to expand anti-hunger campaigns throughout the world. This information was provided today by Consea president, Francisco Menezes. "The Council will begin to follow all these initiatives in the international sphere and discuss them with the government."

According to Menezes, the Council is interested in accompanying activities such as the meeting of World Leaders to Act against Hunger and Poverty, held in New York last month.

The Consea proposes to draw international attention to programs such as Family Agriculture Insurance, launched in the beginning of September. If a harvest is lost as a result of climatic factors, the insurance covers 100% of what the farmer borrowed, plus an indemnity payment. Another proposal, Menezes says, is the development of the World Food Program to send food to countries in situations of extreme poverty.

For Menezes, the Consea experience itself can be presented to other countries. "The Consea experience is quite innovative in that it is a space in which the government and society propose policies and accompany their implementation."

The Consea is composed of representatives of the government and civil society. The Council's mission is to propose guidelines for policies and activities in the area of sustenance and nutrition.

Agência Brasil
Translator: David Silberstein