Brasília - The Brazilian Minister of Defense, José Viegas, reinforced today the need for international aid to Haiti. "The effort made by Brazil on behalf of the preservation of international peace and security and on behalf of stability in Haiti necessarily demands a joint effort by other agents of the United Nations (UN), contributors, and the Haitian government," he emphasized.
According to Viegas, Brazil - which maintains peace forces in Haiti - is asking the UN and the Haitian government to take these steps urgently. "Brazil is demonstrating its dedication and desire to contribute to peace and security. Brazil does not feel isolated, but it is aware that the success of the operation requires a concerted effort involving the military component, which should be complemented, as well as the police aspect and the part that has to do with funding and Haitian social development," he observed.
Viegas explained that there are projects that must be undertaken at once in the country, such as the restoration of the electric power network, the construction of roads, and the removal of debris from the capital, Port-au-Prince.
Viegas also declared that the crisis Haiti is undergoing is a complex matter that is not restricted to the military aspect. He added that Brazil sent 1,200 troops and commands the military operation. "The preparation of the Haitian police force needs to be accelerated. The plan was to prepare 1,622 members, but at this moment there are only a few more than 600. More police officers from various countries, not just Brazil, are needed to help in the training of the Haitian police," he said.
Agência Brasil
Reporter: Ellis Regina
Translator: David Silberstein