Presidents of Brazil and Venezuela participate in business conference

15/09/2004 - 14h00

Brasília - Yesterday the presidents of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, were in Manaus, North region, participating in the closing ceremonies of the 5th Brazil-Venezuela Business Conference.

In his speech, Lula emphasized the importance of the economic integration of Brazil and Venezuela. "We need strategic partnerships that join business endeavors in our two countries. I am certain that will create jobs and wealth for both of our countries," said Lula.

This 5th conference took place only 18 months after talks began on bilateral commercial agreements and is a clear demonstration of how things are moving ahead rapidly, said Lula. "The enthusiasm in the business sector clearly shows the importance of our government's efforts to stimulate action in the private sector," declared Lula, adding that the moment was propitious for strengthening the Brazil-Venezuela relationship even more. "We are working to bring Venezuela into Mercosur as part of an important effort to improve the quality of life of our people," said Lula.

Lula congratulated Chavez for his victory in the August referendum which he called "a sign of the consolidation of democracy in Venezuela."

In his speech, Chavez called the business conference a model for Latin American integration. He cited the creation of Petrosul, an energy company, and Television Sul, as examples of that integration.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Daniel Dutra
Translator: Allen Bennett