Ministry of Health launches campaign for homosexuals

30/08/2004 - 8h43

Recife - Yesterday (30), the Coordinator of the Ministry of Health's National Program for Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Aids, Pedro Chequer, launched a sexual education campaign directed at official and non-governmental organizations that work to prevent Aids among gay adolescents and adults.

The announcement is part of the agenda of the I Brazilian Aids Congress, which has assembled four thousand health professionals and speakers from 17 countries at the Olinda Convention Center. The campaign, which will be aired on the media, is cast in the form of a radio program with interviews on adolescent sexuality.

According to the Minister of Health, Humberto Costa, the idea is to erradicate preconceptions and help diminish vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases and Aids. "We openly discuss all topics - injectable drugs, specific policies for sex professionals - and that is what we shall continue to do, and there is nothing more important or relevant than getting through to adolescent homosexuals who find it difficult to deal with the question of prevention at home and in school," he emphasized.

The campaign intends to heighten awareness about the use of condoms among young people who are starting to be sexually active. Statistics from the Ministry of Health indicate that 6,566 cases of Aids were reported among individuals in the 13-19 age bracket through last December. 4,007 of them are men, and 2,559, women.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Márcia Wonghon
Translator: David Silberstein