NGOs urge more healthcare for HIV-positive patients

26/08/2004 - 14h14

Brasília - NGOs are organizing demonstrations in 12 states in an effort to get local officals to pay more attention to the needs of HIV-positive people, Calls are being made for improved medical attention, as well as more condoms, hosptial beds and drugs for so-called opportunistic diseases that plague people with AIDS, such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

Yesterday was National AIDS Combat Day (Dia Nacional de Articulação dos Movimentos de Luta Contra a Aids) which was marked by the announcement that there has been a sharp rise in AIDS cases among poor women. François Figueroa, who coordinates the Sexually Transmitted Disease/ AIDS program in the state of Pernambuco, says the increase stems from the fact that poor women are not aware of prevention techniques.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Irene Lôbo
Translator: Allen Bennett