Survey finds the tourism sector optimistic

24/08/2004 - 14h52

Brasília - Businessmen in the tourism sector are optimistic about the next three months. A survey released by the Ministry of Tourism shows that 63% of those interviewed expect more business and revenue in hotels and tourist agencies. The survey was conducted by the Fundação Getulio Vargas and interviewed 821 businesses.

Minister of Tourism, Walfrido Mares Guia, says the optimism is based on three factors: strong performance in foreign trade, a domestic surplus and inflation control. He also says that the announcement of US$847 million (R$2.5 billion) for highway repairs was good news for the sector.

As for foreign visitors, the minister says he expects an increase of around 25%. That means that after 4.1 million visitors in 2003, there should be some 5 million this year. "We have to invest in training people to deal with tourists who come to Brazil," said Mares Guia.

The Ministry of Tourism reports that the biggest complaints foreign tourists have are about the lack of signs in tourist locations, the fact that those locations are often dirty and problems with taxis and security. Domestic tourists (Brazilians) say the biggest problem is highway repair.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Nasi Brum
Translator: Allen Bennett