Rural youths to receive professional training

24/08/2004 - 15h19

Brasília – Youths between the ages of 16 and 24, who are members of families that received land reform homesteads, will get professional training so they can get work in new job markets. Yesterday the ministers of Labor, Ricardo Berzoini, and Agrarian Development, Miguel Rossetto, signed a protocol of intentions creating the Rural Consortium program (Consorio Rural).

Courses to be offered are in ecologically-friendly agriculture, industrialized agriculture, commercialization of produce, and establishing and managing cooperatives and trade associations. There will also be workshops for handcrafts, carpentry and woodwork, tourism, community health agents, and community xocial activities.

The Rural Consortium is based on successful experiences in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza and Distrito Federal.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Saulo Moreno
Translator: Allen Bennett