Brasília - The secretary general of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Samuel Pinheiro Guimarães, said that the presence of Brazilian troops in the UN peace force in Haiti will strengthen ties with the nations in that part of the world. Guimarães pointed out that Brazil had the savoir faire to consult the Caribbean Community organization about the situation in Haiti before participating in the peace mission, something other participants, such as the United States and France, did not do, causing "resentment."
Guimarães said Brazil was in Haiti with the approval of that country's government, in order to cooperate, not as an "intruder."
"We would not be there if the government of Haiti had not agreed to our presence," he said, adding that the reestablishment of peace is a great challenge for Brazil. The Brazilian presence is part of an effort to cooperate, not impose rules, he emphasized.
Guimarães announced that on August 23 a mission will travel to Haiti to observe the situation and decide if the economy needs further aid, such as technical assistance in the agricultural sector.
Agência Brasil
Reporter: Carolina Pimentel
Translator: Allen Bennett