Lula commemorates creation of 1.2 million jobs this year

04/08/2004 - 12h28

Brasília - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is commemorating the creation of 1.2 million jobs this year, legally registered, on-the-books jobs, pointing out that that is the most jobs created since 1992. Lula said the number was significant and showed that the country was on track.

Speaking at a meeting of the Economic and Social Development Council, Lula said that factories and stores are selling more, with retail sales up 12.5% in July. He added that in the São Paulo industrial sector sales had risen 22.4% in the first half. "That was the best first half since 1999," he said.

Lula praised the increase in of manufactured goods exports, pointing out that it was a source of higher aggregated value, new jobs and increaed competitivity. Lula announced that between January and June manufactured goods exports were up 25%.

Lula concluded by saying that the dynamic situation had spread to the small business sector where jobs were being created and social inclusion taking place.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Paula Medeiros
Translator: Allen Bennett