Lula invites CPLP members to join UN discussion on poverty

26/07/2004 - 17h41

Brasília - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has invited the presidents of the member nations of the Community of Portuguese-Language Countries (CPLP) to participate in a meeting at the United Nations in September on ways to combat poverty. "Let's show the world that we have concrete answers and realistic solutions in the quest to ensure that everybody can have the right to dream of a better life. The struggle for development also needs a partnership with the private sector," said Lula.

In his speech at the opening ceremony of the 5th CPLP summit, in São Tomé and Principe, Lula also mentioned the important role of the community in ensuring political stability in countries like Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé and Principe. "As president of the CPLP, I have sought international support for the economic and political recovery of Guinea-Bissau. In partnership with India and South Africa, Brazil took the first steps toward creating a social fund to finance Guinea- Bissau development," declared the president.

Lula also announced that while he is the temporary president of Mercosur [for the next six months] he will propose a substantial reduction in tariffs on goods from CPLP exporters so as to bolster trade. "Our community is united by language and we seek to preserve that identity. We want new communications technology to be instruments of social inclusion. We are in favor of a new economic geography in partnership with the G-90 and wish to contribute to a successful new partnership for African development," said Lula.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Gabriela Guerreiro
Translator: Allen Bennett