''Brazil Without Homophobia'' program to be launched in May

27/04/2004 - 12h32

Brasília, 4/28/2004 (Agência Brasil) - To combat discrimination and violence against people who practice alternative sexual activities (gays, lesbians, bisexuals and those who have undergone surgery to change their sex), on May 25 the Brazilian government will launch the "Brazil Without Homophobia" program. It is a pioneer effort to unite various policies under one umbrella program. Presently government activities dealing with the problem are run by the ministries of Education, Culture, Health and Justice, along with the Special Secretariat of Human Rights.

According to the head (minister) of the Special Secretariat of Human Rights, Nilmario Miranda, one thing the program will do is orient teachers on how to discuss homosexuality in the classroom so that young children do not grow up prejudiced.

"Teachers can play an important role in transmitting values such as tolerance, respect for differences and plurality. We have too many homosexuals who are killed because of prejudice. We can do something about this," said the minister, adding that another goal of the program will be to train the police to be tolerant.

Translator: Allen Bennett